“We can’t print packing slips, but let’s not worry about that now, just get that skid into the truck!”
Business owners are constantly putting out fires. They know the underlying issues and understand that they haven’t resolved them for a variety of reasons. Does any of the following sound familiar?
So, here’s the question: Are you trying to solve a symptom or the root of the problem?
It’s easy to know whether you’re facing a symptom or a problem when it’s a personal matter.
For example, when your nose runs, it’s a symptom of your problem—a cold. When you open your fridge and there’s nothing inside, it’s a symptom of your problem—you haven’t gone shopping.
But when your business is facing issues, how do you know if you need a piece of tissue or an antibiotic? The question is this, does the issue keep repeating itself?
Let’s list a few business symptoms vs. problems.
When an issue keeps repeating itself, that’s a symptom. It keeps repeating because there’s a problem that needs to be resolved. If you decide to ignore the symptom, you ARE paying a price every time it occurs. The correct solution is to dive in and get the help you need to resolve the problem.
Your company will operate more smoothly, and you will save money each time the problem doesn’t repeat itself (not to say anything about your not having to deal with putting out that fire ever again!)
Read on to find out if your business is in need of a CFO or controller.
Every business owner knows that one of their biggest assets is Inventory. But if your business doesn’t have shelves in
As we’ve worked increasingly with law firms over the past few years, there are a number of commonalities that we’ve
Our people are unique CFOs. They are all operationally
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